Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The 2000-Page Flipbook

This flip-book posted to YouTube by Ben Zurawski is a compilation of many individual flip-book style animations, totaling 2000 pages. Zurawski makes custom flip-books - his youtube channel "TheFlippist"advertises flipbooks as gifts for all occasions. It's interesting that Zurawski has managed to monetize this sort of personal "hand-held animation," he even has an Etsy site where he sells commissions. I like that there is a great variety of subjects and jokes, as many as can be imagined. Although the medium seems limited, it's only limitation is how far one is willing to take it. Zurawski seems to have grasped the horns of the animation bull.  I chose this animation because it represents an amalgamation of Zurawski's styles of animation. Although some parts of this are not exactly work safe, I thought it was silly and funny enough to include.
I really like the idea of flip-books as gifts, because they're neat little oddities that can amuse anyone. I'm not sure I could do what Zurawski does because drawing all those tiny panels makes my hands hurt.

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